Brigitte Gabriel Speaks on Radical Islam
Crusaders for Truth
October 05, 2006
Brigitte Gabriel Speaks on Radical Islam
posted by Dr. Denice Hanley, DPM, M.Div. @ 3:05 AM
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come (John 16:13 RSV).
Evangelizing the Nations
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19a [RSV])
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Ecumenical Outreach
The Catholic Church in England and Wales
- The Catholic Church in England and Wales
- Catholic Bishops' Conference website gets over 2.2 million hits since John Paul II dies
...To Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ
- Archbishop of Canterbury has brief meeting with Pope-25 April 2005
- Pope links with the Traditional Anglican Communion; April 2005
- Archbishop extends greetings and prayers for new Pope-19 April 2005
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- Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Benedict XVI
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Interfaith Dialogue
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- israelinsider--Israel's daily newsmagazine
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News Headlines
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- Xiao-Ming Li Secret Catholics
The Missions in India
Previous Posts
- At stake in the Iraq war: survival of a way of life
- Islam's Global War against Christianity
- My plea to fellow Muslims: you must renounce terror
- Brigitte Gabriel Speaks on Radical Islam
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