September 26, 2006

Share the gospel: Send bibles from your home to persecuted Christians in restricted nations

This ministry provides an excellent way for Christians to spread the love of Jesus through the dissemination of His Word in the Bible.

Jesus asks us to go forth and spread the gospel to every nation (Matthew 28:19), which Pope John Paul II reiterated in this homily


To the disciples Jesus entrusts the task of spreading the Gospel throughout the world, spurring them to abandon their narrow vision limited to Israel.

By Pope John Paul II

The Gospel for Sunday, May 5, 2005
The Ascension of the Lord
John: 17:1-11a

After considering the total salvation accomplished by Christ the Redeemer, we would now like to reflect on its progressive realization in human history. In a certain sense, it is precisely this problem that the disciples ask Jesus about before the Ascension: "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6).

Put this way, the question shows how they are still influenced by the prospect of a hope that conceives of God's kingdom as an event closely linked to Israel's destiny as a nation. During the 40 days between the Resurrection and the Ascension, Jesus had 7spoken to them of "the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). But only after the great outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost will they be able to grasp its profound aspects. In the meantime, Jesus corrects their impatience spurred by their desire for a kingdom still too political and earthly, by inviting them to trust in God's mysterious designs: "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by, his own authority" (Acts 1:7).

Sending a bible to a persecuted Christian in a restricted nation, where there is no access to bibles and each copy is precious, is a true godsend.

Bibles Unbound: A Ministry of Voice of the Martyrs

Would you like to mail Bibles to China, Egypt, Colombia and other restricted nations?

Today, even as you read this, persecuted Christians are quietly gathering names and addresses. These addresses are from their local communities, places of work, universities and even government offices. Names and addresses are being collected from China to Colombia, and from Cuba to the Middle East and are being submitted to The Voice of the Martyrs to be included in one of the most unique Bible distribution programs of our generation – Bibles Unbound.

Now with the Bibles Unbound program, you can get involved right from your own home.

Each month members of Bibles Unbound receive New Testaments, postage, pre-addressed labels and envelops to mail into restricted nations. Members are also able to track their activity online.

This is an incredible opportunity to partner with today’s persecuted church in sharing the gospel in today’s highly restricted nations.

Want to Learn More?

Simply fill out the fields below and The Voice of the Martyrs will send you complete information on how you can become a member of Bibles Unbound and begin mailing Bibles from your own home. There is no obligation for the free information pack. If you decide to join, a monthly contribution is required to cover the cost of the Bibles, postage and packing material.


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