August 17, 2006

Photoshopping Hezbollah

It's probably now a requirement that all mainstream media photojournalists covering the Middle East take a crash course in Photoshop...

Media Backspin
Thursday, August 17 2006

Akron Beacon-Journal cartoonist Chip Bok looks at Hezbollah in a different perspective:

Why news is consistently biased against Israel

Bias against Israel? Yes, just follow the money.

As this article reveals, right from the get-go news about the Middle East is vetted for Arab consumption.

LGF Exclusive: How Much Does It Cost to Buy Global TV News?

An LGF reader who worked for Associated Press TV News sent me the following article explaining how APTN works, and suggesting a reason why their coverage of the Middle East is so overwhelmingly biased against Israel:

How Much Does It Cost to Buy Global TV News?

The vast majority of the TV news pictures you see are produced by two TV news companies. Presented here is a case for how a large amount of money has been used to inject a clear bias into the heart of the global TV news gathering system. That this happens is not at question, whether it is by accident or design is harder to tell.

To restore balance to media coverage Honest Reporting: Exposing Bias, Promoting Balance, Effecting Change painstakingly tries to get the truth out, to sort out the consistent lies and distortions prevalent in the mainstream media pertaining to the Middle East and Israel.

5-minute video excerpt of Mike Wallace's interview with Iran's President

There's nothing like a little egregious pandering to a dangerous jihadist leader to make the blood boil.

Video: Wallace and Ahmadinejad laugh, bicker, flirt
posted at 2:51 am on August 15, 2006
by Allahpundit

C-SPAN aired the unedited, hour-long interview tonight. I’d planned to clip the choicer quotes, but who wants to sit through five minutes of this Nazi slackjaw pandering to American liberals with platitudes about social justice? The time would be better spent watching outtakes of he and Wallace acting like an old married couple. Which is exactly what I gave you — plus twenty seconds or so of “Mahdi” wondering why Wallace isn’t in the tank for Hezbollah the way nearly every journalist in the Arab world is.

The Kossacks sure do like him, though.

It’s five minutes long. By 4:45 the two of them look like they’re ready to borrow that “dagger” from Chavez and Castro.

Media Analyst: CBS's Wallace Played Softball in Interview With Iran's Leader

Mike Wallace's ingratiating and toadying interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad was a public disgrace.

By Chad Groening
August 17, 2006

(AgapePress) -- A conservative media watchdog organization says while the recently televised interview of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by CBS's Mike Wallace was not as embarrassing as Dan Rather's 2003 talk with Saddam Hussein, it was clear Wallace was kissing up to the Iranian strongman.

The Media Research Center's Rich Noyes admits that the veteran 60 Minutes host did ask Ahmadinejad a few tough questions about Hezbollah's violence, his Holocaust denial, and his statements about wanting to wipe Israel off the map. And Noyes says Wallace actually upset Ahmadinejad when the newsman responded to the Iranian president's claim that Israel was using American-made weapons to kill Lebanese civilians.

"Wallace tried to interrupt him and talk about the Iranian-manufactured and supplied weapons that Hezbollah was using to kill Israeli civilians -- sort of put the shoe on the other foot -- and it made Ahmadinejad fairly angry," the media analyst recalls. "He asked Wallace at one point whether he was a journalist or a Zionist."